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Writer: MKMK

It's that time of year for most of us golfers. The weather is cold, windy, wet and somewhat miserable. Some of us go to the SIM, indoor range or garage lab for practice, The rest of us bundle up like we are going dog sledding in Alaska and play 18.

I am lucky enough that Vegas winters aren't too extreme. However, I have played so doozies of a round lately. I leave my house with 3 layers up top and on the bottom, a winter hat, gloves and a scarf. My hope is by the 4th hole I can start removing layers. sometimes I wish I had more. It's really not the cold temps that get you, its the god damn hurricane winds. I feel like George Clooney in The Perfect Storm, trying to keep my balls out of the water or the forest. When its that windy it's iron play all day. Hitting burners, well at least trying to and hitting 2-3 clubs up. The challenges of playing in such conditions is fun and frustrating. Think about it though, why do we go out in near freezing temps with hurricane winds, dressed like am 8th grader walking to the bustop during a snowstorm, drinking ice cold beers, losing 10 golf balls, shooting high 90's (maybe that's just me) and finishing 18 like "anyone down for a round tomorrow." The reason is Golf is a special game, that is fully reliant on your mood, mental state, confidence and will. Golf is an amazing experience no matter what the outcome. Going out shooting the shit, drinking and seeing improvement is what made us all fall in love with the game. If someone told you to go work in those conditions you would tell them to eat a di&k, but if your buddy called you up and asked you to play a round the answer is always what time we teeing off and whose got the booze.

Everyone already gets the itch to play a round when your putting on 18 to finish. It's like let's see my schedule when can I play again, do I play another 18 today and so on. You saw improvement in your game that round and want to build on it or you want to keep drinking. I feel like a tee time is Christmas morning, cant sleep the night before, dreaming of 300 yard drives and eagle putts. Then the day comes you get ready, stoked to play and put your first drive on the highway, only have bogey putts all day and still can't wait to play again.

Golf is an amazing game with some of the coolest people hitting the links everyday. Enjoy your round and always bring some birdie juice.


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