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Writer: MKMK

As I was playing a round the other day, I noticed that no matter where I play it's the same options. Shitty crackers, candy bars (not king sized), chips, Natures Valley Granola Bars (always !!!), same beers, liquor that is carried in a milk crate and soda/Gatorade. If I'm spending money on a round I want some decent options. I'm a sucker for snacks lol.

All I'm asking for are some simple upgrades. King Size Snickers, Twix, Peanut M&M's and Peanut Butter Cups. I don't care if the cart girl judges me, she just watched me put my drive 100 yards into the woods. Get rid of regular potato chips, who eats those anyways. Replace with some Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Chips or Sun Chips. Cookies, don't get me started on cookies. GrandMa's Cookies is staying in business because every course in America carries them. Can I get a soft batch option ?? Keebler Soft Batch or Chips Ahoy Soft Batch, I will be very happy with. Maybe some Oreos or Nutter Butter, anything but Grandma's. Nature's Valley Granola Bars, always the same flavor Oats n Honey. Get with the times, give me a Cliff Bar, Kind Bar or any decent Protein Bar. Attach a microwave to the back of that cart and fire off Breakfast Sandwiches or put a Hot Dog Roller on it. Would be an absolute golf mine !!!!!!

Now that we got the food out of the way, its time for the star of the show DRINKS. If I get another T Ball size Gatorade for $3 again, I don't know what I'll do. Give me a real size and stop being cheap. Why is G2 never an option and if it is, its the worst flavor. Owens Transfusions where they at ?? Love me some Barstool products. Beer selections !!! Why no PBR, Miller High Life or MGD. Let's go people we regular Joe's want the good stuff. Also, why can't I get a bucket of beer? An actual bucket, its 110 degrees in the summer here. Six beers don't in my lunch pail cooler. Give me a bucket with some ice, I am not drinking warm beer. Finally, liquor I actually don't have issues with the Liquor. I bring my own in a flask, so there !!! lol

Hope you enjoyed this fun rant on snacks and drinks. Send your feedback on what you like or don't like about your beverage cart selections.


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